Catechetical Sunday


Greetings from the Department of Faith Formation!

Catechetical Sunday is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishop’s theme for the Catechetical Sunday on September 18, 2022, is: “This is my body given for you” The St. Thomas Syro-Malabar Catholic Diocese of Chicago is encouraging and recommending the following activities for celebrating Catechetical Sunday this year in your parish.

  • Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath will be sending a circular to each parishes/mission about the Catechetical Sunday. Kindly share the message of Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath about Catechetical Sunday to everyone in your parish/mission.
  • Pope Francis elevated catechists as a ministry. Prior to the issuance of the motu proprio, Anitiquum Ministerium, rather than catechesis served the Church at the parish level, elevated the ministry of catechesis at the diocesan level and be at the disposal of the diocesan bishop.
  • Please announce during the Holy Qurbana on September 11, 2022, that the third Sunday of September, September 18, 2022, will be celebrated as Catechetical Sunday to celebrate and thank the services of those who are involved in the Catechetical ministry.
  • The Holy Qurbana on Sunday, September 18th is recommended to be celebrated for the Sunday School and other catechetical programs in your parish.
  • If you haven’t done already, on Catechetical Sunday, teachers are called by name to be appointed for the Sunday School ministry after one of the Holy Qurbana.  After or before, the teachers are introduced, the special blessing prayers for the teachers is prayed.
  • Recognize the teachers; and recognize teachers who completed 10/15/20/25 years of service. If possible, give a small gift or an appropriate appreciation to all the teachers.
  • Celebrate Catechetical Sunday with the Sunday School students in your parish. Set apart 10-15 minutes of your Sunday School Classes on Sunday September 18, 2022, to talk to parents and children about the importance of Sunday School ministry. Explain what the church is doing as part of this ministry, the role of the Vicar/Mission Director, and teachers.
  • Have one of the teachers explain to the congregation what the catechists do, after the Holy Qurbana on Sunday.
  • On this day, coordinate a series of activities for catechists. You may ask students to create posters, write articles about being witnesses for Jesus Christ as submissions to the parish newsletter, or to compose prayers for their teachers and parents.
  • If it is safe to do so, please provide lunch or dinner on behalf of the parish/mission or potluck at the church.
  • Parents teach their children about the role of a Sunday School teacher. Identify the teacher(s) who is present in the family’s life and discuss their role. Make a plan to personally express gratitude to these teachers on Catechetical Sunday.

A very blessed Catechetical Sunday – 2022!


Fr. George Danavelil,





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